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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2008

7PM                     HMLD Building

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler, David White, Richard Bates (arrived 7:30PM), Mary Ryan, Brian Forts (arrived 7:20PM)

Absent:         Peter Liddy, Hal Lane, Robert Beck

Others Present: Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates, Corrine Siena, Kaestle Boos Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:20PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public address the Committee.  Mr. Lucchesi informed Dr. D’Amico, who was sitting in the audience, that he had received the packet of correspondence that Dr. D’Amico sent him.

Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman reported that he attended a productive meeting with representatives from KBA, WV Engineering, and LPA on July 7, 2008.  The group discussed how to address some potential issues, strategies, etc.

Project Management

Mr. Para with LPA reviewed the Building Committee Report #1 report with the Committee.   He reported that tasks are being done in accordance with the project schedule.  Additionally, KBA has been documenting meetings and issues very well.

Architect’s Report

The Committee reviewed the Architect’s Reports of July 7th and July 16th.

KBA held a Team Meeting on 6/20/08.  KBA interviewed police staff on 6/24/08 to fine-tune the floor plan.  A security meeting was also held on 6/24/08 with the police department.  Ad-Hoc Energy Committee held a meeting 6/23/08.  The Committee remains interested in drilling a non-potable well for irrigation/truck washing.  This would occur when the geo-thermal holes are drilled.  Mr. White requested one transfer switch to service primary and secondary (generator) power concerns.  KBA will pass on the request to WV Engineering for review.  The Chairman requested that the Energy Committee exercise expediency in its energy deliberations.

KBA has contacted a drilling contractor for a quote to drill two 300-foot wells for geothermal testing purposes.   Mr. Whippie from WV Engineering will attend the July 23, 2008 Ad-Hoc Energy meeting.  Mr. Whippie will also attend the August 6, 2008 PSBC meeting.  Mr. White said he was interested in attending the July 23rd Ad-Hoc meeting but would be unable to attend.  The Ad-Hoc Committee and KBA will consider a change in date.

Mr. Para said that the geothermal drilling was not included in the schematic design budget and is considered as an add-on cost to the project.  Discussion was held regarding the cost of the geo-thermal heating option and its payback period.  Mr. White said that it would be prudent to make other trade-offs within the project in order to pay for this heating option.

Discussion was held about the KBA staff meeting of 7/2/08.  A review was conducted of the Architect’s Meeting Report.

KBA to schedule a meeting with Chiefs, WV Engineering and Howard Systems to discuss equipment design layout requirements of the 911 room.

KBA presented proposed furniture plans and interior floor plan changes.  Discussion was held regarding the first responder entrance next to the watch room.  

Discussion was held regarding the exterior of the building.  Mr. McAndrew commented that the exterior has been modeled to resemble and an old New England barn.

The architects reviewed changes made to the Main Entrance.  A hip roof and a high pitched portico were added to reconfigure the roofline.  Columns were then added to the portico to bring the entrance into scale with the rest of the building.  Archways over the apparatus bay doors have been lessened.  Chief Sherrill requested an additional window in the fitness room.  A carport has been added on as an add-alternate to the rear of the building.  Chief Sherrill said that he thought that the original design included a carport. Mr. McAndrew to determine if carport is an add-on or part of original design package.

KBA presented an optional rendering of the existing fire department should the committee opt to not add a pitched roof on the building.  The training tower has been reduced in size and is now in scale with the rest of the building.

The Committee reviewed a preliminary landscape design including a memorial/remembrance garden. The three proposed flagpoles are anticipated to cost 7K.  Mr. Bates said that the entrance to the building needs some type of landscape treatment.  KBA to determine cost of proposed landscape plan.  Mr. White inquired what happened to the stairs from the first responder area down to the public entrance?  He said that Mr. McKeon had mentioned the stairs and a retaining wall at the June 18th meeting.  Chief Chandler said that he did not want stairs from the public entrance to the first responder area.  This will encourage the public to come into a dangerous/working area.  KBA to investigate the status of the possible stair design.

The Committee discussed the possibility of using solar energy in the design of the building.  Mr. Para said that Photovoltaic KW power is too cost prohibitive for the size of the building right now.  Mr. Para said the Committee might want to plan for the future for this type of green energy.  As technology improves the cost might decrease.

Treasury Actions

Mr. Karl Makela presented invoices to the Committee for signature.

New Business

Energy Ad-Hoc Committee meeting date: TBD.  PSBC members may attend.

Next meeting is August 6, 2008.

Debris from a DPW pile on site will be tested and possibly used as fill in the back parking lot.

Occupation/possession of the abutting property: Closing at end of August/Beginning of September.  Fire Department to conduct training in the house if the demolition schedule allows.

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Rick Bates, seconded by Dave White, it was VOTED 4-0-2 WITH 2 ABSTENTIONS TO APPROVE THE JUNE 4, 2008 MEETING MINUTES. (Abstained: Bates, Ryan)

Motion by Dave White, seconded by Karl Makela, it was VOTED 4-0-1 WITH 1 ABSTENTION TO APPROVE THE JUNE 18, 2008 MEETING MINUTES. (Abstained: Bates)


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Brian Forts, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JULY 16, 2008 MEETING AT 9:15PM.